Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tremping's not so evil

I don't understand what all this fear is with Arabs. I don't know about everyone else, but I don't like to be gripped by fear and feel controlled by it. I think that Israel is my land, and I should be able to walk proud.
My cousin's aunt from Akko was telling me during shabbat that she didn't want me tremping to get to her house if I came to visit her because it's dangerous. I think that's funny coming from her living in Akko. I'm sure her son tremps, and my cousins tremp all the time. One of them learns in Akko and I know he tremps there too. So I wonder what it is with people telling me not to tremp and that it's dangerous. I'm not the only one that does it!
Ok, so one time I actually tremped with an Arab. Funny that it went like that because usually I look out not to get into a car with an Arab. but this Arab didn't seem like such a bad deal, and I wasn't in the greatest tremping spot, so the fact that he was going pretty close to where I was trying to get to made the whole thing seem fine. He was an older man in an empty van that was like the ones that takes kids to school and back. Considering all the factors and the impression I got from him I didn't think he would do anything, and I also didn't feel like he was more of a threat to me than I was for him. I was also staying in Jerusalem so it wasn't like I was going somewhere desolate.

So I got into the vehicle and started shmoozing with the guy. I think he felt that I was watching him like a hawk which is why he explained to me that he was going on the highway to get to the other side of the city. I guess he didn't want me to get nervous or anything. I think in general most men pick up my "don't mess" vibes and the fact that I'm religious with those vibes makes men tend to behave very well around me. During our discussion the Arab told me he was from Abu Gosh, an Arab town that makes the best chumus in the country. Every shabbat Israelis come to Abu Gosh to eat their chumus and falafel. Arabs there are also friendly he told me.

The tremp really wasn't so bad and I don't think I made a mistake in judgement on that one. The guy ended up going a little farther out of his way to get me a little closer to my location. That's pretty nice for someone to do, but I'm not totally shocked when Arabs do that because they want Jewish women. It's just fact.

Now, this story doesn't even come close to the time I tremped with a high-class Bedoin.... But that's not for now. :P lol

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