Thursday, October 9, 2008

I remember two years ago when I was in the Old City trying to find my way to Jaffa Gate from inside the Jewish Quarter I got myself totally lost and then only found an Arab to ask for directions. So this Arab told me which way, and of course I really didn't believe him since Arabs do like to cause trouble for Jews. Then he totally started following me talking to me!
"Do you want to sit and talk?" he asked me. "NO!" I told him very clearly with an attitude like he was insane and stupid for asking. But of course he kept following me and no one was around. So I was basically just waiting for him to jump me. He actually didn't in the end, but I really thought he was going to! Maybe if it was a different girl he would have? I wasn't scared of him, but honestly, no one wants to get close to an Arab from the Old City. They are really dirty. And don't worry, if he would have jumped me he would have payed the price for it. He was a scrawny guy and probably realized that I was stronger than him. :)

I remember once I was really stupid going to my cousins in the Muslim Quarter. I walked through Jaffa Gate and then I saw the Arab shuk (in the Muslim Quarter) so I just walked straight in. But I totally didn't know the way from there! So being crazy I just walked on through until I got myself pretty lost and then I had no one to ask but Arabs. So I asked an Arab girl which way the kotel was. She looked at me, smirked, and pointed me in the wrong direction. So I gave her a bright smile and thank you and walked the opposite direction. Arabs can be so reliable sometimes! Hahaha, I got back to main streets and started asking tourist people and tour guides how to get back. I actually connected with someone who was lost and trying to go the same place as me so we found our way together in the end. But the funniest thing for me was that I was trying to be smart and take a short-cut to get to my cousins but instead it probably took me just as long if not longer.

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