Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jews are Treated Worse in Israel!

It's a Jewish Homeland, right? Yeah, that's what I was told, too. I've been around the world enough to recognize the antisemitism that is present in my own country. America is all about being fair and making things equal for everyone. It's all about being "politically correct" over there. Other places are not as kind. But it's not like I expect kindness from the world as a Jew. I have seen and heard enough to know that as calm as things seem on the surface, antisemitism still has a strong presence in out precious world. Hard for me to believe people are so ridiculous as to hate a group of people for no good reason, but a tough reality is no reason to deny reality, if that is what one is looking for.

In Israel a Jewish voice seems weaker to me than an Arab voice. Arabs in Israel are considered a minority and as a minority, they have been given special treatment. How kind of Israel to worry about making everyone feel welcome and comfortable. Everyone always feels bad for the poor Palestinians even when they attack innocent Israeli civilians. Perhaps Israelis don't count as innocent civilians? How does one explain a government allowing its civilians to be attacked for years and not do everything in it's power to protect its people? It seems that the Israeli government is busy worrying about the politics it would cause by properly defending its people that it isn't able to command its capable army to do its job. But that's just one example of the government's injustice toward Sderot. There are many more I could write about.

Another issue bothering me is the whole fight in Israel between the Right and the Left. Personally I am ver Right Wing and think that if the Left don't appreciate Israel enough and just want to give it all to Arabs, then they should just go live somewhere else because it's not just their home and they should really be more considerate. The messages they give Arabs and the world hurt all of the Jews. So while they want to be so considerate and open minded, they seemed to have forgotten about their own brothers. Judah and Samaria are beautiful areas of land in the middle of our country. Thinking logically, if we were to leave those areas alone and let Arabs have it to themselves, wouldn't we have another Gaza situation? Wouldn't the world look down upon us defending ourselves from Arabs in Judah and Samaria if there were a similar situation to the present one in Gaza? The thing that I think bothers me most is how it seems that Arabs have a right to live in Judah and Samaria but I, as a Jew, do not. What happened to my rights? Why do Arabs have more of a right than me? In America this would mean that someone somewhere is suing someone for being racist. Why hasn't the UN or a human rights organization said anything? We are silent. Most of us are silent. But not enough of us are coming together to stand up to this disgusting injustice. In Israel, murderous Arab terrorists are released from prison by the hundrreds, encouraging Arab violence, further endangering Israeli lives, and showing the world how stupid a government can become from American pressures. Terrorists get treated very well in jail. Jewish prisoners can't expect similar treatment. The sad thought in my head, is that no one complains about bad things happening to Jews because it's exactly what they want. This time it's not the non Jews that are hurting us all. It's ourselves. I wish the Left would stop fighting for the Arabs and join our team since they're stuck on the same boat anyway. Arabs have enough support for their terrorism, why should Jews be encouraging it.

From now on Jews should all be standing up to protest the government kicking Jews out of their homes in Judah and Samaria. We need to be united, and it seems like it's the thing that would help pull the country together in a more unified way.

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