Saturday, September 27, 2008

ok, finally writing....

This blog is for all the crazy stories and things that I can't just tell anyone and everyone, but that certain people do want to hear about. So (Blimi) this will hopefully entertain and not scare. :P lol

I have so many stories that I should have written but didn't and now I forgot. Sorry...
But I do remember Sat. night getting lost in Ramat Eshkol and wandering around the streets in the middle of the night without a cell phone and not wanting to ask random people for directions because I was already too sick of being a lost Jew. lol Ok yeah I'll admit I did ask directions in the end, but I was stubborn and waited till I did a lot of walking! Haha!
So I was walking down the street and I passed a man. He ignored me and I ignored him. Maybe ten minutes later I passed a second guy. But this time as I passed him in the empty street, he
says to me something about him being a prince someone-or-other and I think he also said good evenning and how are you. I couldn't just let that wacky comment go by without a response. I turned around and said "Baruch Hashem for you!" omg..... he couldn't hear so i had to repeat it twice more. then he said something like did i want his number or to talk on the phone. So I gave him a straight out no and as he was walking off he said something about having kids.... not really sure what he was saying, but I just turned around and covered my mouth as I burst out laughing. It was really funny. It was like this nut knew that he wasn't going to get anywhere but wanted to try anyway. straaaange. lol
I dunno, I get entertained, do you? :D

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